How do you Build Your World

Art Theory Modern Combat; Its Charge: Charge Them with; Crimes Against Freedom

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Art Theory Modern Combat; Its Charge: Charge Them with; Crimes Against Freedom
Tag Modality: CAF


By Goura Fotadar

for The Fictional VolunTier Project


date, roughly formalized on paper, digital: 4517 [but uh, it’s still going.]


I, comprehend; that calling others a racist term; unless it’s in repetition of what they said, just said, and-or ever said-called you of and-or the such; is a crime against freedom; I understand as an authority figure/prescribed staff/and-or posed dictated staff [even self-depicting self-dictated]; that not stepping into defense and-or offense [real, only] of those against with racist slurs, are-is a crime against Freedom. I, understand that mis-defining others race on purpose against real knowledge of their race; is a non-sanctioned crime against freedom; and that it wilts to qualify in traditional criminal systems; which are supported by progressive and-or reformed ideals and those their works. That these crimes against Freedom are heightened by defining such mis-names in any form of legal document and-or posing legal document. This precludes house-ownership, city-ownership, and city-property ownership.

House-ownership, city-ownership, and city-property ownership, I comprehend; when precluding those that are all such deserving and-or higher deserving by actual outstanding interpersonal and-or works;

of actuality; and not pre-emptive and assaulted plagiarism; in such scopes of housing and public spaces is a heightened crime[s] against freedom; treated by direct reproduced high-capacity assault; and it is from where we receive all “clears” of actual modern combat and its militia; By any such accurately governing leaders.  I understand than; that the “legal kill” is quite and such different in a free-society from an assaulted and criminal, traditional attempted kill; and-or kill; and I understand that it that is still different from a crime of freedom attempted and-or kill. I understand those these qualifications are magnified in consequence in a free governing society; where those living without housing and-or recently and-or relatively recently produced work; are in jurisdiction to provide themselves with heightened legal kills; as long as they are actually living without housing; and not [just] posing as such. Specialized and leading accurately under-covers of pose; are approved on a case-by-case basis and if qualifying do not meet the crime against freedom; and will not so be charged; it is hoped that only such can be earned by those who will never trespass upon charge; unless charged as such: undercover; and this only again meets with specific and highly attuned approval.


Non-Conceptual Non-Traditional Definitions of No Housing in a Qualified Free Society, are-is:


Imprisonment in reformed and-or progressive ideals [actual] prisons

Long-term institutionalization in a mental health facility

Sleeping outdoors; outside in non-prescribed given shelter

Being held hostage in any housing or not-situation against your own consenting will … and the others that may come up.


Other connecting basics:

Repeating hateful speech and-or movement toward especially but not just those that have directed such to you and such-identified by you; is legal non-criminal and civil rights; prohibiting such is crime against freedom

There is no choice despite your position in society to step-in and stop racism; but how you know its racism and not the right above is?

Locations are heightened factors; racist slurs and threats of assault while compiling work-knowledge in free and-or deemed free knowledge streams are depicted directly as high level low capacity uncaught criminals ; and are all their alliances either directly participating and-r indirectingly participating; these criminals do not qualify for progressive and-or reformed prison/prisoners’ rights.



I comprehend that repeated staring un-warranted at others is illegal in specific capacity and that I shall expect such staring back when so assaulted; I comprehend that turning your head away from others as they continue their own walk down a public space; and the other; is a crime against freedom and is qualified as heightened racism; I understand that not accepting somebody’s either sponsored and or work-compensation pass; is a crime against freedom; and that there is no choice but to accept an acceptable passable form of pass for example food, clothing and-or transportation in a free society; otherwise, I understand that I and the such never qualified for a job in such society; and will be penalized by a code of crime against freedom conduct review. I shall expect immediate imprisonment and circumstantial immediate and permanent any work-production loss. Essentially, I will have no work rights regardless of work or not compensation for divulging such racist heighted acts in codes of crime. I understand that in terms of combat these are considered higher assault than beheadings of violence for example; because they assault the high non-criminal populations, in particular; those that greatly and most contribute to our and all societies by their high-performance and their high-performing ideals.  Note then; non-crime is considered on exception high-performance; and especially with in the disclosure of crime un-stoppable if such existed then; or when; in society. What then is defined as un-stoppable then, when crime.

Further; I understand-comprehend that use of any virtual programs connecting to militia, academia, and the such; for any purpose is considered an assault and felony on freedom; when I myself am a low capacity criminal not earning prison of reform and progression; especially; I understand that this may qualify me for military intrenchment in supposed foxhouses; and held such by actual military if even former personnel. I understand my treatment in these such locations are expected to be mainstreamed in and publicized in a free society; and immediately. I understand-comprehend: that using any such virtual realities, and programs; and the such for falsifying my appearance with my consent against security, safety, and the identities of others; is considered a heightened crime against freedom; and spreads outdated acts of violence such as hate crimes; limiting the progress of the word as time goes on. I am then charged with a crime of freedom: world violation; and will be penalized even physically as such.


Un-Stoppable Crimes May Include; Then, When; Specific Incidences of Trauma:

You were a child under the age of 6 and couldn’t stop your … the other children from being grabbed

You were a child under the age of 18 and couldn’t correct the false use your identity with the knowledge of such false use.

You didn’t know as an adult or otherwise; the lies that others were spreading about you that were absolutely not true.

[and the so on.]


NOTE, the OBVI; so far this art project is not complete.

Other basic thinkers: what is your comprehension: I comprehend … that this is what means by term-phrase: free-society

connecting, first graders: charge them now!


