Manifestation, from a virtual reality. Jewelry from the field.

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[and also in this form: Manifestation from a virtual reality]

for The Fictional VolunTier Project

By Goura Fotadar

Date: 2618



tag[s]: art notes, jewelry sightings,  computer frame notes, computer science: art, product provision conceptions, plumbing


theme: rings in reflection.


I saw this figment spark of art; while I was near a field; I doubt it turned out in the picture; but I’ll include it anyhow; the picture, I think anyhow. [a picture, of]


The lights in sequence framed within one light branch together to other light branches started at least that night a reflection which looked like rings for each light singular incorporation; rings that you might select to be given and or have earned. I think you know what I mean.


In any case can you imagine the function of reality: where normal things; such as lights in the environment might provide you with the option of choice;

Such as; the basic:

>Prompt: you worked what’s evaluated as 12 hours today, and every such day last week an average of 10 hours/per day.

>Prompt: would you like this ring, either for yourself or for another purpose/being.

Assessment theme: how secure are delivery boxes; well it depends on where they come from? What they pass through? Where they land? who collects the output? A shoot or something like that, in the sky; I don’t know. Otherwise; there is the grab and drop entropy shift. Whatever that means.



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