pre-up doll”warts”

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for the fvp

by goura fotadar

tag[s]: notes; cultural anthropology; reading notes; The Death Project

dates: ongoing for months to june 10 -2024

part one. a doll “warts”  wart at pace “warts”

source, citation:    youtube dot com   (accessed on 52624 & 060124)

some plumbing-related points

view of the such-as city

ponies or rainbows or something and heathers (blooms)

“morning” —> plumbing (in patterns)

“cellphone” —> things connected to plumbing (in potential and patterns)

plumbing on (cited:) “instagram”

studies-based “meow” magic

“stretching” and “morning/s” connected to many things and also plumbing patterns

conversion of  “assignment” to studying (converted from )  plumbing problems (to corrections)

“energy in the mornings” —> affordable energy packets for all of the plumbing (applied “in the mornings” also)

a review food idea of application  ‘toast’ layered with “bagel”s and “eggs” (like double bread) 

review ideas: effective “coffee” to “wake-up” and so correct plumbing problems

other review food ideas: fried “eggs” with cinnamon rolls (cooked together)

“bus stop” (cited: other persona/s) additional new plumbing routes <make> now for aside-drives and also new “newspapers”

from studies-based cold broken magic at every incident of plumbing 

what about plumbing drag: “dressed” and especially plumbing ‘wallpaper’

toilet flush + preparation of bath —> consider “bubble bath” application to “bubble”s for plumbing (and this is also review)

notice color changes in this case apply such as ‘pink’ and ‘light teal’ to plumbing solutions conception of such as laser …? 

“pink” (review and reminder) a specific plumbing color/s (studies-based magic) <generate>

plumbing shape clothes (review and reminder) (studies-based magic) <generate>




part two. a to a to,

   anthro notes:  first; the lady that was planted as-tree in m/j of horrors is re-discovered

in m/j of consecrations … nothing can be done … a regular tree is somewhere nearby …

in doll “warts” enough to be planted as a tree; but now “husband-such- as” has used the shading turn

to r: black (in appearance, only) to (near a “regular” tree) (in cupid’s focus; shows up more … )

to turn her as a tree into the stove/the modern coal burner in the back-part of the house; which 

in whatever variation of their modern time (a bit different than present modern time); which anytime

when used is often (because its their translation of standard cooking: eating also). This would cause 

a lot of torture+pain in the back of her life period; but instead the stove/the modern coal burner is 

converted to all plumbing in the present-future; causing severe plumbing problems; but this works

for her … keeping her from pain+torture (and this is a type of review …) ; where for some other person/a

with such a situation; they would/might still be in pain + torture … usually we would consider (in standard logic

processing) a m/j of anti-dote especially of studies-based magic variation … <discover> and use_this anti-dote


[the spirit et al and anthropology]

  In a connected pertinent issue; the persona/s as houses are given in-persona evidence; that the reason they have

to become a house with their soul in parts bound to producing things of the house/s; is because on their own

houses represent problems such-as the plumbing full collapsing; and also not just for one house; but for all things;

anything such as plumbing; too. This can give the unholy enemy access to anything including that of the holy enemies’ …

Then since they have to become houses; the persona/s as houses; now each of the houses come with specific houses

products that re-generate through soul-weight bearing that the houses as persona/s produce through next sets of soul-weight

bearing … one important factor is that the persona/s as houses have-to-have; as a usual; thus-far; a specific type of psychic-like

hearing; to adjust their already tortured souls to weight-bear such things/products … now the things/products have to have a specific

gender appearance of a weaker gender compared to normal; and with a hue of main but not standard gender; you know like girl, boy; or … ? This makes these products/things accessible and seen and more easy to use … Certain comments connected to the

building-block of such-as study-based magic ideas; these products/things are (to others) : “Oh here’s your gift; I got it from … my house; or the house …; ” The products/things have certain imaging on them; that have become common-and-or-normal thus-so-far:

one are such as two ferns growing near one-another; with identical blooms; and a smaller bud represented: of everything that has come to growth in the self/body will be converted to the body-house; and every-thing that could have happened in development and growth in-the future; only growing through the body-house. 

Then if there is anything written on these products; a trick is disposed … without being able to read; 

(review); it would be a way of literate; anyhow; because these things do something especially with certain parts written for the less or weaker of gender; than they do even more than … other variations of products; not from house; also since they come from a house-persona; … they are of special charmed quality; because anything that breaks connected to the house; can be even more directly worked-off by house-body … and so these things from house come with such quality; it is like a religious belief … 

   Another important thing to note; is that some personas consider dreams to be linked to the house in an even more direct way; for example: “I don’t know I haven’t been dreaming … I haven’t been back home yet …” They have a type of religious belief that one reason to live in a house is to have dreams that are provided and created by the house-persona who is converted to (is also) house-body … that regular houses don’t come with dreams; they have comments, like: ” … I don’t know; but I really like my house; it’s a different-type of house …” Even-if the house looks regular to everyone else; some house-personas suspect it could be something like this … that they see something different when they see the house … Anyhow the house-persona generates their dreams; and not they have to earn them … they always have dreams; as a result … even when they are not asleep …;  

part three. another l-to-l

(source, citation: the new fuck you; adventures in lesbian reading; …)

cited pg. 150

” … had painted her lips in a heart shape and drawn red hearts on her cheeks … She looked like a blow up doll for …” 

cited pg. 187

” … Everything is draped with black cloth, like a macabre and festive funeral. Like we’re in another time. I don’t know what kind of place this is.” 

” … There’s food piled on every table in big mounds. I don’t see any silverware. People are grabbing it with their hands …” 



source, citation: jackie’s exes; laurel faust; 

cited pg. 59

” … the fact that I didn’t have anything better to do on a Saturday night …” 

” … I couldn’t rationalize it and I wasn’t even going to bother trying …”

cited pg. 192

” … My girlfriend and I were together more than a year. Then this woman comes in our lives and–like it’s nothing–she steals

her away from me.” 

cited pg. 92

(review.) death, point/s:

“I reversed course from the laundry room, and followed my nose to the kitchen. I knew my mother wouldn’t respond until I was in the same room as she was. She never did. She needed to command attention, and she couldn’t do it from the next room.” 

death point: “the next room …”

death point: ” … never …”

death point: ” … followed my nose to the …” 

death point: ” … wouldn’t respond until I was in …”

death point: (in continuation) ” … the same room …” et al






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