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CAKE, A-OAT! Continued


for The FVP

(by goura fotadar)

Source, citation (text): ALICE NIZZY NAZZY

                                   THE WITCH OF SANTA FE

                                    (by)  Tony Johnston

                                    (ill. by) Tomie dePaola

(4)              for a picture book with text;

Theme: through versus thru

for children of any age ; but adults can use, too!

this technique

( Read thru the whole way, first: )

Theme: the capital first letters and paren. Sequence are parenthetically blazing.

Two one’s

4 – (1) first flip thru the book and look at (examine) the pictures

4 – (2) Active



either read thru or have someone read to you the

entire book ; (or do both ; qualite (with an accent) : active choice)

4 – (3) Combo – Learning


Write down or say a -loud

what you notice about some, a few of

the images in the source, text.

{arrow to}

for this book, source; in order (a couple of examples of what I noticed in semi-interpretation, are):

4 – 3 -a) a cloud that’s like a snake

4 – 3 -b) an un-identifiable shape chili peppers

You can also do #4-3 in combination with #4-1

(5) Write down key points that can be key fictional points (of fiction – fact and – or fact),

using source, text as identified; (my examples, included here, are:)

5 – a) how you become a “witch” especially if you’re female ; is by being really ; really “old;” and by being really; really “mean.”

{line to} Note: Remember that numbers 4 – 7 : (are extra) more advanced art – knowledge builders

Tags : the flower project , special notes

Really ; really

a definition ; defining feature of being

really “old (and) mean.”

Is that the Being “eat(s) children” when they (“children;”) get too close to the


(6) Quiz; quiz : (for analysis, learning 🙂 citing : material in source, text;

Lesson Building for completed art project

Theme : the story is a trick.

6 – a) spiders rest on ham/mocks :

which are called

 (in Typography: Underline and-or cap 🙂 cobweb(s).

6 – b) The adobe might also be a

 (in Typography: Underline and-or cap 🙂 pueblo.

The main difference between the two; might be a, (in Typography: Underline and-or cap 🙂 greeting. Based on this book; greetings can be different from speech ; and one way so is thru ; (in Typography: Underline and-or cap 🙂 entry.


Aside ; adult notes : in italics ( 7 -1) here so ; point out the obvious

cited: source text

“pueblo” is in another language as compared to which in consumed text ; but presumed to become standard or normal bilinguistic even (bi – ? ) cultured comprehension.

{arrow to}

(7 – 2) implied? and not

just as

a stress

emphatics  ;

was (italics)

“so” in

such way

also perhaps

also ; moved

into this primary
